Making a Difference with The Mayfly Project

Making a Difference with The Mayfly Project

The Mayfly Project (TMP) was founded on the core belief that wherever you are in the world, if you can find a river and a fly rod, you’ll be able to find peace and mental rest. For a child in foster care to not only learn how to fly fish but to also receive a brand new fly rod that is theirs to keep, can be life changing.

When TMP reached out to Cortland Line in early 2016, they were one of the first companies to jump onboard and support TMP on this important mission. What started as a local nonprofit in Little Rock, Arkansas, has now grown to a national program, with 65 projects in the United States and 2 in the United Kingdom. Cortland Line has been with them the entire journey.

“It’s because of our great partners, such as Cortland Line, that we are able to continue to serve in such a large and impactful capacity,” TMP Founder, Jess Westbrook, states.

What kind of an impact have we made together? We're thrilled to announce that together Cortland Line and TMP have been able to give nearly 3,000 fly rods to youth in foster care!!!

More about TMP: The Mayfly Project is a 501(c)(3) organization that uses fly fishing as a catalyst to mentor children in foster care. Their mission is to support children in foster care and introduce them to their local water ecosystems through fly fishing. They believe that by connecting youth in foster care to the rewarding hobby of fly fishing, it provides an opportunity for them to have fun, build self-confidence, and develop a meaningful connection with the outdoors.

A project consists of 5 mentoring sessions designed to teach fly fishing skills, conservation, characteristics of an angler and provide a 1:1 mentor to mentee ratio. The outings take place at multiple fishing locations in their community, fishing for multiple species on the fly. They utilize a specialized curriculum that details all things fly fishing and speaks to their conservation initiative; and they have a button incentive program where the kids earn buttons for participating in our conservation efforts. At the end of the project, every child receives their own fly fishing gear to keep, including a brand new Cortland Line fly rod!

When they say it takes a village, they truly mean it.

TMP would not be possible without their community and Cortland Lines partnership! If you would like to get involved in supporting this important nonprofit, or want to find out more information, please visit them at

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