
Höchstleistung durch Innovation

Cortland-Süßwasserfliegenschnüre werden für eine Vielzahl von Süßwasserumgebungen unter Verwendung fortschrittlicher Beschichtungsmaterialien hergestellt.

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Besitze das Salz

Cortland Salzwasser-Fliegenschnüre wurden für die härtesten Umgebungen entwickelt und nutzen fortschrittliche Beschichtungen und Leinentechnologie.

An angler is standing on a beach and reeling in his fishing line

Konventionelle Angelschnüre

Linie, der Sie vertrauen können

Cortland Super Braid ist mit erstklassigen, gelgesponnenen Spectra-Fasern geflochten und sorgt für unübertroffene Empfindlichkeit und Schnurhandhabung.

Closeup shot of a fishing reel and pole on a boat, with water in the background
An angler is standing on a boat and reeling in his fishing line

Capt. Matt Perachio Returns to Discuss the 2024 Bluefin Tuna Season Hooked. Ep. 16

Capt. Matt Perachio is a well well-known charter captain out of Cape Cod, MA and has over 25 years of experience fishing these waters. His specialties include fishing for Bluefin...

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Top 10 Fly Fishing Destinations

Top 10 Fly Fishing Destinations

 1. Alphonse - Seychelles Alphonse Fishing Company offers one of the most remote, epic experiences in Fly Fishing. Based around a chain of islands in...

Top 5 Cortland Ice Fishing Products

Top 5 Cortland Ice Fishing Products

In the northern portions of the US, hard water season is underway and shaping up to be a great season. The last couple seasons have...

Tackling Tarpon Tackle

Tackling Tarpon Tackle

Article Written by Honson Lau Thousands of tarpon migrate through Florida each Spring encouraging dedicated anglers to dust off their heavy fly tackle to start...

Top 5 Winter Trout Fishing Products

Top 5 Winter Trout Fishing Products

Winter trout fishing is a time where your gear is tested and any weak points in your quiver are quickly identified. Having gear you can...

Tips, Flies, and Setups for Targeting Great Lakes Steelhead and Trout

Tips, Flies, and Setups for Targeting Great Lakes Steelhead and Trout

Article Written by Brooks Robinson. Learn More About the author below / Article Read Time: 5 Minutes  The Great Lakes trout and steelhead tributary fishing is...

Mako Madness

Mako Madness

Article Written by Nick Curcione / Cover Photo by Al Quattrocchi In fly fishing circles one species that seldom gets mentioned when the discussion centers on highly sought...

Fliegenschnüre der Trout-Serie

Technische Taper für präzise Präsentationen.


Die Suche nach Silber


Das Supergeflecht mit der beständigsten Leistung

Leute treffen

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